"I tell you the truth, anyone who will not recieve the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." And he took the childrenin his arms, put his hand on them and blessed them.
Children depend on their parents for everything. They need them to meet all their needs and keep them safe. Children also are very trusting and look at everyday situations with vulnerability. Adults tend to pick apart everything and weigh pros and cons. Our hearts have grown hard over the years from hurt and disappointment.We do not trust people and try to rationalize circumstances. God wants to be our daddy! He wants us to come to him and depend on him to meet all needs. He wants us to maintain the vulnerablity of a child. To look at situations with a positive attitude. He wants us to have a relationship with him and allow him to work out every aspect of our lives.
I was reminded of when I was a little girl and my mom got saved. We started attending a non-dnomination church. My mom was raised southern baptist and her brother had questioned her decision to attend this church. I was about 3years old at the time and barely remember this conversation. But as I listened to them discuss this I chimed in with my 3yr old wisdom and said to my uncle, "You know why I go to church? Because its the Lords house!" At three years old I didn't understand religion. All I understood was that I wanted to go to church because it was Gods house. I think about that now and know that is exactly why we go to church. To fellowship and be in Gods house. I also remember at 8 years old God was very real to me. I remember playing outside and singing to him and talking to him as if he was my best friend. He was and still is my best friend and my father. I think back at those times and remember I trusted him whole heartedly and knew there wasn't nothing to big for him. I want that back. I don't want my heart to be hardened or to rationalize or fix anything myself. I want to be that 3 yr old that knew her daddy could handle everything. So think back to when you were a child and try to approach your relationship with God like a child longing for a daddy.
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