Saturday, August 20, 2011

Proverbs 31:30

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

I know a lot of people who can charm their way out of any situation. I was one of them. But one thing I have realized is that those abilities, although good for the moment, don't last. I do not want to be known for charm, beauty, or any other worldy attribute. I want to be known for my relationship with Jesus. A while back I took a really hard look at my life and asked people see Jesus through my actions and attitude? Do they see me as a Godly example? I didn't like the answer. It was a big fat NO. Over the years I was not a Godly woman. I chose a path of pure destruction and knew every step of the way. I chose to keep God at arms length cause I knew that I was not pleasing him and I didn't want to feel convicted. What I did realize is that there is no happiness outside of him. Everything fell apart. I was miserable. It wasn't until I was soo tired of being out of his will that I cried out to him to change me. I knew what it felt like to be in his will and out of his will and being out of it was a place I never want to be again. The great thing about Jesus is his unfailing love for us. No matter the mess we get ourselves in he is right there to pick us up and dust off the dirt. We can be the worst of the worst and he will always love and forgive us if we ask him to. So from that moment on I rededicated my life to him and here I am now. I hope people see him through me and I want to always be right by his side. I want to be a woman who fears him and known for loving him whole-heartedly.

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